Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Today on New Scientist: 13 February 2012

LHC boosts energy to snag Higgs - and superpartners

Physicists at the Large Hadron Collider hope that raising the energy of collisions still further will settle the question of the elusive Higgs particle

Google Earth spots fish farms from the air

Keeping track of thousands of fish farms is a slippery task - enter the eagle eye of Google Earth

Morphonano: Interactive sculpture goes nano

A nanoscientist and an artist have teamed up for an exhibit that zooms in on the infinitesimal

Web freedoms fuel 'academic spring' journal protest

A group of mathematicians are boycotting publisher Elsevier over the cost of its journals and support for controversial US legislation

Should police and coastguards use laser dazzlers?

Restricted to the battlefield until now, devices that temporarily blind people can now be used by US police

Seven equations that rule your world

A truly revolutionary equation can change human existence more than all the great leaders of history. Meet the mathematical masters of the universe

Meet the Yahoo Boys: Nigeria's email scammers exposed

Researchers in Nigeria have managed to conduct detailed interviews with 40 of the country's infamous "419 scam" email spammers

Charging up an all-electric 320 km/h racing car

How the Lola-Drayson electric concept car gets its juice is even more impressive than its flat-out speed

The dark side of the personalised internet

The promise of tailored web content has been subverted by data mining companies and the advertising industry, warns Joseph Turow in The Daily You

Bionic butterfly wings are ultimate heat sensors

The same properties that make Morpho butterfly wings iridescent could help them detect inflammation in people

Ancient Chinese medicine could fight ageing

A drug based on the active ingredient in a Tibetan shrub makes cells think they are starving, priming a response that fights inflammation and possibly ageing

Time to give SETI a chance

Earth 2.0 is in our sights. Checking it for signs of life will be the next big issue, says Jill Tarter

Earth Summit is doomed to fail, say leading ecologists

In the run-up to Rio, top environmental scientists bemoan two decades of political failure and say the future is in the hands of grass-roots activists

Paper robots could have a strong, gentle touch

Paper structures filled with air could lead to new "soft" robots that can handle delicate objects

Astrophile: A-List black hole gets a face

No images exist of the most massive black hole ever measured but a new, realistic simulation suggests that will soon change

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