Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Idiots, Marriage, Relationships And Partnerships

Jesus was asked what happens in Heaven when seven brothers in succession married the same lady after the prior one had died and Jesus answered that in Heaven there is no such thing as marriage. It would appear that marriage was created to encourage fidelity and continuity of relationships here on earth preventing flagrant immorality. One also has to look at the level in our educational system where the focus centers on self-esteem and being true to one self; very low if non existent and if truth be told does not even register on any barometer.

In heaven we shall all be like the angels and this brings to mind the question about why we need marriage or a defined commitment here in every day life. Wedding rings have been allowed the dubious distinction of being the smallest handcuffs in the world yet millions flock to possess them every year. Then out of another door are millions who are delighted to shed them perhaps with or without a smile but nevertheless content to be free of their implied intention; perpetual commitment.

For what particular reason relationships are terminated is irrelevant in this segment except to ponder why a relationship commenced in bliss ends with tears and heartache even betrayal.

My own divorce ended with positive relief and the door did not hit me on the butt as I was going out because I was moving too fast with exultant joy and a smile broader than the Golden Gate Bridge; whoopee. It killed me to have to seek a divorce but psychic death would have been inevitable if I had remained in a relationship not conducive to growth. There are too many living walking corpses residing in prolonged agonizing marriages and relationships because they have stopped growing and that is contrary to our triumphant success filled expectant life.

However the sojourn in the divorce courts allowed me the distinctive dignity to find out where I went wrong and how I should prevent continuity of my behaviour so a similar journey shall not occur.

Reflection is a magical thing but it may be wiser to not wait until the horse has bolted before closing the stable door and wander through a corral on personal introspection sooner rather than later. By the way judgement day is not here as yet and we may rest assured that if God was so against divorce Pope John the twenty third would not have blessed its existence; thank God he did. His actions also released many religious nuns priests and brothers from their unhealthy careers in religious hell. Pity a few more did not leave their posts too; hmm!

Personally I know now that I should never have been married at that particular time as I was an idiot and worse did not know it. Why do women marry idiots and why do men marry idiots; in fact why do we enter any long term relationship if we have never performed a self analysis? We are idiots that is why! No we are not because we may have been unaware that introspection was an essential mechanism for a successful life with a perfect semblance of harmony. There is a theme among religious zealots that marriage should be forever as Jesus mentions it in the Bible but then it also says that what is unbound on earth shall also be unbound in heaven.

True not every marriage is filled with idiots maybe not even one is an idiot but there definitely has to be a mismatch of personalities to cause the termination. Now here is a quirk about relationships and their connection to longevity; a lack of growth by both parties in a complimentary direction with equal and unbiased support. One also has to ask what level of self-esteem was present in the participants prior to the declaration of commitment.

Churches love to latch onto the cause of marriage breakups as being what happened before the union was legalized; cohabitation. They have to find something negative about what happens before the union is validated as long as both are on the same page and both have already agreed in the direction they are going. If churches spent more time in promoting self-esteem including love mercy and justice they would then have to spend less time pointing the accusatory finger.

There is not a relationship in the world that can evolve to perpetuity if there is dissolution in communication and growth has ceased whereby conversation is slack or nigh impossible. Goldman Sachs, Kellogg?s or even Ford Motor Co would not exist today if there had been a cessation in planning and communication wherein the positive results for growth were not put into effect.

Loving relationships are no different and for me especially if the magical day ever dawns on the horizon where I shall have the distinct pleasure of desiring to merge with a bonny lass in marriage to perpetuity I guarantee the results will indeed be very different. Every relationship has to fend off espionage by temptation but if there is a strong foundation with faith in God at the centre then the spy shall get the boot without a second?s notice thus please maintain faith.

Useful tip:?If she is kindly spoken and gentle he is the most fortunate of men.? Sirach 36:23. Now with all quotations in the Bible one is automatically expected to write: ?in the same way? as a saying applies to women likewise it applies to men as God makes no distinctions between people; Peter 1:17. Thus the above quote would read: ?if he is kindly spoken and gentle she is the most fortunate of women.? God bless and enjoy the visit of self through meditative introspection!


Tomas Coimin is a master of motivational techniques with a strong desire to help others seek greater peace through positive self-esteem. Based in Co. Tipperary Ireland. my aim here is to deliver subject matter that pertains to you the reader and with this in mind it is appreciated to receive feedback seeking articles on subjects that may be of concern to you and I shall do my utmost to deliver appropriate content that satisfies. I am the author of Revolution Within Eden which shall be available soon for release.
Tomas may be reached at selfesteemawareness@gmail.com

Source: http://www.a1article.net/arts-and-entertainment/idiots-marriage-relationships-and-partnerships-7458.html

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