Monday, October 8, 2012

How Advertising Can Make Big Businesses Feel Small | The Ad Buzz

Posted by Carson Nevada on October 8th, 2012

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Although I am pursuing a career where I provide a service a lot times to larger companies, I am a strong proponent of small business.

I used to be so intense that I would refuse to even purchase Starbucks because I didn?t want to support those corporate schlobs. So, it might sound like a rather hypocritical route for me to take into the advertising world. However, recently it became apparent that maybe I can utilize advertising in order to infuse that more human aspect I admire in small business into larger businesses, and eventually break down the divide between big and small. In guerilla, social, and interactive advertising. Because there is such an open field for companies to create a real connection with their customers.

GUERILLA: Guerilla advertising is all about the surprise and what?s a better surprise for a college student than free stuff? That I think is a major key behind the success of Definition 6 and Coke?s Happiness Machine. The most human aspect of this viral video is the point where the students begin to share the drinks and food with each other. Not only did Coke connect with the students, they created a little community.

SOCIAL: CP+B and Domino?s Show Us Your Pizza starts off as a plain and honest viral video that says, ?Yeah, we do a lot to the pizza so it looks good on camera.? This gives the consumers a very upfront and truthful approach, but what really gives this campaign its edge is the call to action. ?They give the campaign a little attitude and personality by saying ?But our pizza still looks awesome either way, show us what you got.? The combination of honesty and personality really brings out a more human element to Dominos and allows the consumers really be the judge.

INTERACTIVE: Interactive advertising, like apps, have recently become a little too overused without creating much of a solid reasoning behind them. However, JWT and Band-Aid?s Magic Vision app?utilizes product involvement and digital interaction to do more than just to provide some fun game or more shopping capability for the consumer. Using the Muppets, they create a tool for parents to calm their screaming and crying kids who just saw blood on their finger by allowing them to focus on something else.

Creating a connection, a community, honesty, a real personality, and beneficial tools are all ways in which big businesses can generate a human touch. These are all elements that advertising professionals and companies execs should be conscious of and implement in their marketing practices. Not only will this generate a stronger connection and brand loyalty between business and person, but it can even be a platform for social change and human interactions.

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