Saturday, October 22, 2011

Ohio Exotic Pet Incidents, by the Numbers (ContributorNetwork)

An ongoing legislative review of exotic pet ownership laws in Ohio may stem the tide of tragic incidents that have cost both animal and human lives. Current laws in the state are among the most lenient in the nation. The expired executive order signed by former Gov. Ted Strickland before leaving office required a more comprehensive reporting of ownership and revocation when animal mistreatment occurred, but did little to bring Ohio laws up to the strict standards of ownership required in a majority of states. Although laws vary, many states required a written examination pertaining to animal care knowledge, inspection of habitat and a minimum amount of time spent handling the same breed prior to permit application.

Here are some facts about Ohio exotic pet laws and incidents.

84: The number of exotic pet incidents and escapes which have occurred in the state since tracking began in 1993.

24: The age of Brent Kandra, the most recent fatality stemming from exotic animal handling. In 2010 Kandra was killed while feeding a bear on an exotic animal farm near Cleveland. The animal was put down by local authorities.

500 pounds: The weight of black bear which was killed in Morrow County after escaping. Sheriff's Deputy Stuart Mattix who was bitten while attempting to capture the bear during the 2008 incident was forced to shoot the animal to protect the community.

80: The age of John Kokas who was beaten by a kangaroo last month on an exotic animal farm in Marion County. The elderly man recovered and the exotic pet returned to the farm. At the time of the incident, Kokas Exotics was utilizing Facebook to promote the sale of baby kangaroos and other exotic animals raised on the farm.

550 pounds: The weight of a lion kept as an exotic pet in Pike County by Terry Brumfeld. The owner was attempting to get the animal back into the cage when it ran away toward State Route 23. The lion was recovered without incident.

1: The number of known monkey bites in Noble County. An escaped macaque monkey founds its way into a parked pickup truck and bit the owner.

10: The age of a Columbiana County girl attacked by a pet mountain lion while playing at a friend's house. The child recovered and no information is available about the fate of the mountain lion.

200: The number of snakes kept by Marion area breeder Michael Joliff. The man eventually recovered from life threatening injuries from a Western diamondback rattle snake.

36: The age of an Ashtabula County woman attacked by a pet black bear. The 400-pound animal escaped from the Grand River Fur Exchange Breeding Farm.

5: The number of exotic pets which perished in a fire at a Summit County exotic animal farm. The fire which killed a pair of tiger cubs, bear cub and iguanas was not the first time law enforcement officers were alerted to issues at the facility.

1: The number of exotic pet attacks in Butler County. A lion owned by a Butler County man attacked his adult daughter and had to be shot.

12: The number of days an escaped Patagonian cavy in Clark County roamed the town before being hit along State Route 41. The 3-foot-tall, 30-pound cavy was killed upon impact.


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